Those sceptical of our bold claim of this being the GOAT car / track combination only need to look at the action we saw when it was run in the ARL Super Trucks series. Whilst the short A layout is not regarded as a rallycross circuit, the drivers carved their own lines on the grass, taking huge cut-throughs as demonstrated by the videos alongside. Don’t worry about the slow downs, they do nothing!
This car is free! The fixed setups mean you need little experience. The car can take any size of hit, and any number of rolls, just ensure you don’t stop on your roof. If you do somehow scratch the car, you can take one fast repair in each. Week 13 can get a little dull after you’ve tried the new cars and tracks,so this is the perfect event for some entertainment late in the week and with it being free, there is little reason not to sign up
We are going to the elimination format for this event, so after a 10 minute qualifying, there will be two 12 minute heats with half the entrants in each. The drivers who finish in the top half of each heat go straight to the A final whilst the bottom half race in the B final for one of the remaining slots in the finale. The B final lasts 15 minutes with the A final lasting 20 minutes. If there are less than 30 drivers expected to arrive we will instead have three 15 minute races, with the latter two having a reverse grid.